Is there a difference between different developer roles?


3 min read

This is a question that everyone can ask themselves when starting in programming, even if they are already trained developers because there is an illusion between the distribution of tasks, as well as the roles and technical terms used in the field of programming.

The different types of developers, their role as well as their added value in a project. There are many of them, but in this article let's see some of them and their roles: #Database dev: In general they are the ones behind the data storage, and the queries in the database. If they don't create a coherence between the tables, the data storage can be without good logic, because this is the basis of an application.

UX/UI designer: those who are at the base of the development of the application. The role of UX design and its skills are worth beyond thinking about the technical part of the application because it must also think about the commercial part of the product. how the customers feel when they use the product that is about to be launched as well as bring feedback to improve the product.

After thinking about the design, they will send their data to those who will develop the application.

#Mobile, Web, Desktop Developer: this team is divided into two kinds of developers / Fronted and Backend, the frontend developers will develop the visible part and associate the different forms proposed by the UX/UI. Design, in continuation, will have the backend developers who are who will develop the interactive part of the application or the site these require great sensitivity to the logic because, by the least errors, the function does not execute.

#QA/application Hester: this team of developers' role is to detect errors, bugs or any other failure of the application. They are the ones who say if the application is deployed and if we continue to add other details according to their constant. Each development team should have at least one Q/A manager who assumes the role of the quality manager and who performs small tests throughout the project.

#devops engineer: He is in charge of applying the process, tools and methods to balance the needs throughout the deployment of the application. If it works we move to a major step which is the deployment of the application, today everyone wants to see their products seen everywhere with the arrival of the internet it has become easy to keep their data online but it requires accurate and affordable information so that one day if we decide to change the host, that it is simple and understandable to recover.

It will take a whole ebook to have thorough details on the different roles of developers on my account, I will share each time a little more about what I learn every day. See you soon. RM